Gallery 17 has pictures taken by Bryan "Frenchy"
Lagimoniere at LZ Betty in 1969-1970. Before Frenchy arrived, another trooper was
assigned to a sister unit belonging to the 101st Airborne. Grimaldo Urlich-Vivar,
served in the Commo Platoon of HHC, 3rd Bn., 506th Infantry from November 1968 to November
1969. After Vietnam, he stayed in the Army and retired after serving 24 years. He has
provided some of his pictures, which are shown below, of LZ Betty before and after the Tet
Offensive of 1969.
During the 1969 Tet Offensive, LZ Betty's perimeter was attacked and penetrated at numerous places. None of the attackers escaped and they all died inside the LZ. Co. E, 3/506th had the 81 mm and 4.2 in. mortar platoons. They were destroyed when the Viet Cong overran their positions on the Echo Company perimeter. The enemy tried to penetrate other positions on Urlich's platoon side of the perimeter, but they were repelled. During the battle, the Co. D commander, Capt. Wrazen was killed, 1 man from Co. A and another from Co. D. The 7/17th Cav also lost 2 men.
Unrelated to Tet, another incident which stood out in 1969 involved a civilian airplane which crashed at LZ Betty. Pictures of that accident are also shown below.
(Click on thumbnail picture to enlarge)
The year before, a similar attack had been launched at LZ Betty during the Tet Offensive. According to the History of 3/506th found on Randy White's web site: (
"In early January 1968, the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) consolidated its widely scattered elements in I Corps Tactical Zone (I CTZ). This consolidation pulled the 2nd Battalion of the 7th Cavalry (Gen. Custers old outfit) out of II CTZ and left the four southern provinces of Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, Tuyen Duc, and Lam Dong without US Forces. General Westmoreland, Commander of the US Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, decided to create a separate Airborne-Airmobile Battalion Task Force, under the operational control of Lieutenant General William R Peers, First Field Force Vietnam (I FFV). The 3-506 was chosen to become the nucleus of this unit to be called Task Force 3/506. On January 17 the Battalion was relocated to replace the 2/7th Air Cavalry at LZ Betty on the South China Sea near the city of Phan Thiet. The task force would have the responsibility for airmobile deployment into the four southern provinces of II CTZ.
"On January 17, 1968, the 3-506 relocated to their new base camp, LZ Betty near Phan Thiet. The Shock Force (Recon and Anti-Tank Platoon) was sent to provide security at a near by Fire Support Base, FSB Judy. FSB Judy had a battery of 155mm towed artillery and a 40mm Duster platoon that were IFFV assets.
"1LT (Michael) Pearson was promoted to Captain and a change of command was planned for the Shock Force. In addition to the new command, a structural change was planned that will begin to convert the Shock Force, a battalion reconnaissance platoon and sometimes 4th rifle platoon, into a long range reconnaissance asset for the battalion and add support for the intelligence requirement for IFFV in AO MCLAIN. But within a few days these plans would be put on hold. On January 28, the day before the official cease-fire date in observance of the Tet Lunar New Year, the Shock Force ambushed a 40-man Viet Cong patrol northwest of Phan Thiet. Nine VC were killed and numerous blood trails were found. Three members of Shock Force were wounded. Unknown to anyone at the time, this enemy, along with several other undetected enemy units, were converging on Phan Thiet to begin the Tet Offensive.
"At the end of the Tet Offensive in the Phan Thiet area, the enemy losses are put at 1,256 KIA and 48 POWs. Friendly losses are 91 KIA and 569 WIA. Civilian casualties are reported at 36 KIA and 664 WIA. Additionally, 13,500 civilians are made homeless."
Pictures by permission.
© Grimaldo Urlich-Vivar, All Rights Reserved, 2004-2009.
E-mail: 19currahee68(at)tampabay.rr(dot)com
Text and Link of History of 3/506 by permission.
©Chris "Kip" Rolland, All Rights Reserved, 2004-2009. (text)
©Randy White, All Rights Reserved, 2004-2009. (web link)
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Last Updated: 01/05/09
©Copyright Rolando A. Salazar 1999-2009. All rights reserved.